Vivek Education Society's


Vivek College Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai-104

Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Recognized by U.G.C. under section 12(B) & 2(F) of the U.G.C.Act.

Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC

ISO 21001:2018 Certified by TUV Austria

+91 83693 56474



It is said that your school, college, friends, teachers and of course parents play an important role in shaping you as an individual. In my case, Vivek College, the friends I made there, the wonderful teachers I got there became the foundation, the launchpad for whatever I am today.

Being a backbencher and being not so good in academics during my school days, I was always reluctant to participate in extracurricular activities. I was always interested in music and art but never had the right kind of circle around to push me ahead and that happened only when I joined Vivek.

The wonderful teachers at Vivek were really encouraging and gave their best to help us get a platform. The amazing bunch of friends I made there always helped me bring the best in me. Not to forget Vivek Alumni NandakumarThampan whom we fondly call as Nandan sir who came in as a mentor and helped us learn more about art, music and dramatics.

Despite of not being an institution for performing arts, the platform that we got here were as good as that of a performing arts institution. From Tamil Malayalam Association to Marathi Natya Mandal, from Annual Day functions to Mumbai University competitions, every stage that Vivek has provided really helped me groom myself and get over my stage fear. I will always cherish my wonderful campus days and would love to visit my college every time I visit Mumbai. I would be sad to see myself without my dearest friends and professors there though! 😊

Thank you,


Akshay Varma

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  • Akshay Varma
  • FilmMaker | Entrepreneur | MediaProfessional